Friday, April 18, 2008

The Demonstration (Written by MR. Harmless)

Somewhere, nestled near the outskirts of the Blue Ridge Mountains there is a school, and on this particular day everything was starting off in a nice, peaceful manner.

All of the students could be found in their classrooms, learning their different topics in a quiet subdued fashion. The geometry students were learning geometry. The english students were learning english. The 3rd graders were learning 3rd graderey type stuff. And the spanish students were learning spanish...

Things like the spanish words for "in" and "out"...

But these spanish students were in for a surprise. They were going to be the recipients of a wonderful and memorable visual demonstration of "in" and "out".


and out...

and out...

and more out...

and shock...

and awe...

I knew there was a reason why I married her!