Sunday, September 30, 2007


I got a great call this past week from my mom-in-law letting me know that she and my dad-in-law were heading down for a week for a visit.

We were all thrilled around our house as the grind of the school year has set in and visitors seem to be that shot in the arm to perk up and have something to look forward to!

They got in later Thursday night and we got to show them around the school on Friday and then everyone got together today after church for pizza.

Visits like this are bittersweet. "Sweet" because it is such quality time that you may not get if we lived near them and "bitter" because it reminds me how much we miss them and wish we had them around for more events in life.

Regardless, this distance is what God has ordained and it keeps us from taking for granted the gift that is your parents in you life as you get older.

We were talking around the table last night and I lamented that while it is great to meet your future husband when you're 13...the disadvantage is that his parents know you when you're 13! They have about as many awkward, embarrassing stories involving me as my own family! AH! They really were apart of watching me grow up and I appreciate that they allowed Matt to marry me anyway!

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Rick said...

Wonderful post. My wife and I met in college - and as the years go by, those times of being in school and "knowing mom & dad" come back to us, too.

Amanda said...

Your family is beautiful!!