Sunday, June 03, 2007

Slow but Sure...and a little bit of hope from Josh!

This will be short and sweet.

I'm going into day 5 and am finally able to eat a bit. I went 5 hours without pain medication instead of 4 so yee-haw!

I was beginning to think I was a total wimp but this article by Josh Grobin about his own tosilectomy made me feel better. I've wanted to cry every other minute but I tried it on day three for 15 seconds and I couldn't breathe the rest of the night. The nose surgery has been just as bad if not worse than the throat. I would never recommend doing both to anyone.


Recovering from tonsil surgery can be tough at first.

"I woke up and took a sip of apple juice," says Groban, "and it was probably the most painful thing I ever experienced in my life. I didn't drink anything else the rest of the day."

At the time Groban had his tonsillectomy, he had just had appeared on Oprah with strep throat. "I was so ready to get those out of my body that I was willing to have the pain," says Groban. "I woke up and said 'Thank God they're out of there.'"

"His tonsillectomy had a very short recuperation period — about two weeks," notes Romano. "Now he's back singing and his voice is better than ever."

"I was talking in three days," says Groban. "Vicodin can do amazing things. For the three hours that the Vicodin affected me, I could talk and I could eat even, but as soon as it wore off I couldn't drink one drop. So it really depended on how medicated I was. I ate soft foods again in three or four days. I was talking again comfortably in a week and a half, and singing again in two and a half weeks."

"Having my tonsils out didn't change the sound at all; in fact it really helped because it freed up my throat," adds Groban. "Having them out helps me to breathe and sing much easier. Now that they are gone a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I don't fear that I am going to get a sore throat any more."


Thanks for all the prayers, support, calls, flowers (and my beauiful new purse, Anne-You really know the way to my heart!).

I'd like to say that I'll follow up with one of my expected posts with all the humorous antics from my surgery and recovery but to be truthful, this has been the most physically painful experience of my life-and I've had two children. I'm not caring to re-live it in any way.

I had a reaction to two medications that I was given and have been pulled off my antibotic. Hopefully, I will not develop an infection. The same think happened when I lost my baby and spent four days in the hopsital on iv's.

If can happen to me-it will. *sigh*

Back to sleep now...

1 comment:

Sandy said...

glad you are doing better. You have really been on my mind alot. Love you