Sunday, August 05, 2007

Week Of Samuel

This Friday my firstborn baby will turn 9.

That is so unbelievable to me and while it's not a big birthday per say, I'm taking it hard because it's the last birthday before he goes "double digits"!

When they turn 10 then it's no time before they are 12...16 (and driving!)...and then 18! I hate it. I want to force him to stay one number age only!

Oh well! He grows...

This week I'm dedicating my blog to Sam. I know from experience that it is very easy to love my nieces and nephews and my friend's children but the truth is...NOBODY celebrates your life like your mom.

So, for the next few days, I'm going to celebrate Sam. He will always be my little boy and while I'm sad to see him get so big so fast, I'm really enjoying this current stage and all the new experiences it brings.

For nine years, Sam and I have been nearly inseparable. He is not only my kid but somebody that I really like to be around. He's very loving and considerate. I'm proud of the person that he's becoming.

Here are some of my favorite pics of Sam as a little guy and one bad one of me as a pregnant mom. Sorry about the quality! Digital cameras weren't popular then and these seem to be the only photographs that I had taken at that time. Thank goodness! I'm not a beautiful pregnant girl!

Sam at Steph's wedding....age 2

Sam at a park. I posted this for Sam so I could confirm the stage that I tell him about when his head was SOOOO big! Of course, I tell him it's because his brain was so big, but I'm still baffled he didn't fall over more!

Me pregs...7 months at my shower.

Sam's first official pic in the hospital after birth. I have such beautiful babies even in the beginning. It's like he made sure to gel his hair before the shot was taken!
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Stephanie said...

adorable baby boy - I look forward to reading throughout the week!

Anonymous said...

Ok - even if you don't decorate with pictures if the one of Sam at Steph's wedding is not somewhere out for people to see then you are CRAZY! Julie